Voting Information

 Make Sure You Are Ready to Vote!!!

Equality begins with equal access to voting. We’d like to share information about voting with you so that as our voting dates, locations and processes change everyone will have equal access to participate in our government by voting. Below please find information about how to verify if your registration is active, all the information you need to request absentee ballots and vote remotely, as well as, information about changing voting dates and deadlines. Let us know if you have other sources of voting information that you think would be useful—we’d love to share more information with Georgians to increase the vote!


Check My Voter Page to make sure you’re ready to vote. You’ll also find information for the following:

  • Voter registration status

  • Mail-In application and ballot status

  • Poll location

  • Early voting locations

  • Elected Officials

  • Registration information on file with the county office

  • Sample ballot for the upcoming election

  • Provisional Ballot status


You will need to REQUEST an Absentee Ballot if you want to vote remotely.

You will not automatically receive the request form in the mail unless you request it. NOTE: Applications for the November 5, 2024, General Election can be requested through October 25, 2024—but I encourage you to request your ballot as soon as possible.

Absentee ballots will beging to be mailed out September 21, 2024, and they must be returned either by mail or at one of the early voting locations or your voting precinct by November 5, 2024.


Cobb County Ballot Drop Box Locations for Absentee Voting.


Advance Voting for the November 5, 2024 General Election begins October 15, 2024


October 15 -November 1

Monday - Friday

7:00AM - 7:00PM




Noon- 5pm

There is NO VOTING November 2-4, 2024.

Check out the list of advance voting locations, dates and times.


Cobb County Election News.


District 35 lines have changed since the last election! Please check our our updated GA HD35 Map.