Featured Press

January 16, 2025

Following Governor Brian Kemp’s 2025 State of the State address this morning, Representative Lisa Campbell released the following statement: “This year’s State of the State once again failed to address the barriers that are holding back hardworking Georgia families,” said State Representative Lisa Campbell, “As the Republican party continues to ignore Georgians’ real needs for affordable healthcare, do nothing to curb the cost of sky-rocketing prescription drugs, defund public education for our kids, drag their feet on helping parents afford childcare, and ignore the expanding needs of our seniors and their caregivers, House Democrats have a bold Opportunity Agenda that prioritizes all Georgians. It's time to stop leaving people behind and ensure that every Georgian has the chance to live, learn, and earn."


September 29, 2023

The expiration of funds from the American Rescue Plan puts child care centers, children, parents and caregivers in Georgia at risk. Without those funds, many childcare centers will close. According to The Century Foundation, Georgia is projected to lose 10,575 child care jobs and experience 944 child care program closures resulting in the loss of care for more than 80,000 of our children. READ

August 25, 2023

Our schools should be places where students and families come together to learn to how to think, how to read, how to build healthy relationships based on respect, integrity, and inclusion.Our teachers have an important and trusted role in our schools to help inspire a love of reading, discussion, and critical thinking. READ

August 22, 2023

While Georgia’s educational system is firmly established, increasingly our public schools are facing grave challenges ranging from the elimination of professional teaching practices rooted in truth, evidence, diversity, and inclusion; our responsibility to maintaining equitable and adequate educational funding; and the critical need to ensure that our students have the freedom to learn. READ

August 8, 2022

Today, the Georgia AFL-CIO, the state federation of labor representing more than 120,000 members, endorsed Georgia House District 35 candidate Lisa Campbell in recognition of her commitment to defending the right of all working people to good jobs, fair wages, and safe working conditions. “I am honored that our campaign has earned the endorsement of the Georgia AFL-CIO,” said Lisa Campbell. READ

June 6, 2022

I am thrilled to have Progressive Turnout Project’s support in this election! Protecting access to the ballot is a key component to protecting our democracy. Our campaign is committed to fighting for the expansion of voting rights for all eligible Georgia voters. READ

June 27, 2022

Lisa Campbell’s statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. I am a pro-choice Georgian advocating freedom for all, for every body, to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion. READ

June 4, 2022

Lisa Campbell Wins Primary to Become the First Woman as Democratic Nominee for Ga. House District 35. Pledging to leverage her leadership experience and advocate for all Georgians, the business and community leader avoids run-off with 60%+ votes. READ


May 4, 2022

Today, EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics,endorsed Ga. House District 35 candidate Lisa Campbell in recognition of her commitment to defending reproductive justice. “EMILY’s List is excited to endorse Lisa Campbell to represent Georgia’s 35th House District,” said Sarah Curmi, Vice President of State and Local Campaigns at EMILY’s List. READ

May 2, 2022

Today, Ga. House District 35 candidate Lisa Campbell was endorsed by the Georgia Association of Educators for her commitment to public education. READ


March 25, 2022

Lisa Campbell, Candidate Georgia House District 35, Endorsed by Georgia WIN List. Aiming to be the first woman elected to the seat, Campbell receives statewide support as well-poised candidate to flip strategic district. MORE

March 5, 2022

Lisa Campbell hopes to bring 30 years of business experience to the Georgia legislature as the representative for newly-redrawn House District 35. READ

January 21, 2022

Lisa Campbell has officially announced her candidacy for the newly redrawn Georgia House of Representatives District 35, representing the communities of Kennesaw and Acworth. READ

August 7, 2020Candidate Conversations: Lisa Campbell, Democratic Candidate for HD-35. Listen to this PeachPod Episode here.

August 7, 2020

Candidate Conversations: Lisa Campbell, Democratic Candidate for HD-35. Listen to this PeachPod Episode here.

July 30, 2020Lisa Campbell joined the College Democrats of Georgia (CDG) before the their Virtual Movie Night Featuring Knock Down The House! Watch the candidates and movie here!

July 30, 2020

Lisa Campbell joined the College Democrats of Georgia (CDG) before the their Virtual Movie Night Featuring Knock Down The House! Watch the candidates and movie here!

July 29, 2020Virtual Town Hall - House District 35Cobb Democrats hosted the Candidates for Georgia House District 35 in a Virtual Town Hall on Facebook Live. Watch it here.

July 29, 2020

Virtual Town Hall - House District 35

Cobb Democrats hosted the Candidates for Georgia House District 35 in a Virtual Town Hall on Facebook Live.

Watch it here.

July 25, 2020Marrieta Daily Journal: Voter Guide: State House District 35 here.

July 25, 2020

Marrieta Daily Journal: Voter Guide: State House District 35 here.

July 22, 2020Georgia WIN List Wednesday Webinar. Runoff Races to Watch. See the Facebook LIVE recorded feed here.

July 22, 2020

Georgia WIN List Wednesday Webinar. Runoff Races to Watch. See the Facebook LIVE recorded feed here.

July 14, 2020Cobb County Courier - Georgia Anti-Abortion Law Declared Unconstitutional: Local Reactions

July 14, 2020

Cobb County Courier - Georgia Anti-Abortion Law Declared Unconstitutional: Local Reactions

May 16, 2020Voter Guide: State House District 35 - Backgrounds on all four candidates running for Georgia House District 35 in Kennesaw and Acworth.

May 16, 2020

Voter Guide: State House District 35 - Backgrounds on all four candidates running for Georgia House District 35 in Kennesaw and Acworth.

April 24, 2020Georgia WIN List is proud to endorse Lisa Campbell for House District 35 as she works to FLIP the seat currently held by Ed Setzler, the sponsor of HB 481, Georgia’s unconstitutional abortion ban. A WIN would make Lisa the first woman …

April 24, 2020

Georgia WIN List is proud to endorse Lisa Campbell for House District 35 as she works to FLIP the seat currently held by Ed Setzler, the sponsor of HB 481, Georgia’s unconstitutional abortion ban. A WIN would make Lisa the first woman to represent her metro-Atlanta district.

Meet Lisa Campbell - Click here.

April 29, 2020Georgia WIN List Wednesday Webinar. Reproductive Freedom a 2020 Priority. See the Facebook LIVE recorded feed here.

April 29, 2020

Georgia WIN List Wednesday Webinar. Reproductive Freedom a 2020 Priority. See the Facebook LIVE recorded feed here.

April 19, 2020Marietta Daily Journal - The three Democrats who are hoping to unseat state Rep. Ed Setzler, R-Acworth, got an opportunity to introduce themselves and distinguish themselves from the other candidates Thursday night. The Cobb County Dem…

April 19, 2020

Marietta Daily Journal - The three Democrats who are hoping to unseat state Rep. Ed Setzler, R-Acworth, got an opportunity to introduce themselves and distinguish themselves from the other candidates Thursday night. The Cobb County Democratic Committee hosted a virtual town hall via Facebook Live. You can watch it here.

April 16, 2020Virtual Town Hall - House District 35Cobb Democrats hosted the Candidates for Georgia House District 35 in a Virtual Town Hall on Facebook Live. Watch it here.

April 16, 2020

Virtual Town Hall - House District 35

Cobb Democrats hosted the Candidates for Georgia House District 35 in a Virtual Town Hall on Facebook Live.

Watch it here.

April 2, 2020Lisa Campbell is one of Georgia WIN List’s 40 candidates selected for 2020 early endorsements.Georgia WIN List is dedicated to changing the face of power in Georgia by recruiting, training, supporting, electing and re-electing Demo…

April 2, 2020

Lisa Campbell is one of Georgia WIN List’s 40 candidates selected for 2020 early endorsements.

Georgia WIN List is dedicated to changing the face of power in Georgia by recruiting, training, supporting, electing and re-electing Democratic women for statewide and legislative office who will be effective advocates for the issues most important to women and families, including the preservation of reproductive freedom. Since 2000, we have helped elect and re-elect more than 70 endorsed women, with 44 of them currently serving – 12 in the Senate and 32 in the House.

March 26, 2020In a phone interview by the Cobb County Courier, Lisa Campbell, Candidate for Georgia House District 35, talks about her background and her platform.

March 26, 2020

In a phone interview by the Cobb County Courier, Lisa Campbell, Candidate for Georgia House District 35, talks about her background and her platform.

March 16, 2020Her Term is a collaboration built by women to elect women. They target winnable seats, recruit women leaders to run for office and equip their campaigns to win. Lisa Campbell is one of the candidates that HerTerm supports.

March 16, 2020

Her Term is a collaboration built by women to elect women. They target winnable seats, recruit women leaders to run for office and equip their campaigns to win. Lisa Campbell is one of the candidates that HerTerm supports.


Press Releases


November 11, 2022

Lisa Campbell wins race for Georgia State House District 35!

Press Release


September 6, 2022

Georgia House District 35 Candidate Lisa Campbell, announces her endorsement by Georgia Equality.

Press Release


August 31, 2022

Georiga House District 35 Candidate Lisa Campbell, announces her endorsement by NARAL Pro-Choice America.

Press Release


August 26, 2022

Lisa Campbell Endorsed by Georgia Conservation Voters

Press Release


January 21, 2022

Cobb County Business Leader Aims to Serve as First Woman

Elected to Georgia House District 35 Seat

Press Release


May 20, 2020

Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates Endorses Lisa Campbell

Press Release


April 2, 2020

Georgia Win List Endorses Lisa Campbell

Press Release


March 7, 2020

Lisa Campbell is on the Ballot for GA HD 35

Press Release